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COVID Economy: How to Put a Zoom Meeting Into Your Web Page

COVID Economy: How to Put a Zoom Meeting Into Your Web Page

Scheduling Calendar with Video Chat Integration aka "How to Put a Zoom Meeting Into Your Web Page"​PICS can embed a free Calendly scheduling calendar into your (agent) website. We can integrate it with a number of calendars you may already use (Google Calendar,...

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Google Sends Us Customers

Google Sends Us Customers

PICS NEWS Google Sends Us Customers One of the perks of becoming a Google Partner is that Google has now begun to send us new customers.  And while only just the beginning, it does show that a company like Google has a lot of confidence in PICS International. PICS has...

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PICS Now a Google Partner

PICS Now a Google Partner

In October 2015, PICS International became a full-fledged "Google Partner".  This means we can now be searched for and found in the Google Partners database and now show the Google Partner "badge" on our website and in our marketing material.  Google says: "The badge...

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I’ll Have What She’s Having

I’ll Have What She’s Having

"I'll Have What She's Having" That was what a new prospect who called us had just said on the phone.  They had recently talked to one of our clients, got our phone number from them, and went on to say that the customer was sending them a “substantial amount of...

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Google Maps and ROI

Google Maps and ROI

When someone asks us what we do, a lot of the time we will simply answer "We manage a company's Google assets". The reason why we answer this way is that Google accounts for roughly 83% of all search activity on the internet.  When a search engine has that kind of...

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Beware of Google Plus (Local Maps) Pseudo Experts

Beware of Google Plus (Local Maps) Pseudo Experts

Did you know that PICS International was the first Indiana company to offer local Google+ local map optimization (aka "Google Maps", "Google Places")?  It's true. Back in 2008, our company founder Dave Philpott found out about the tremendous lead and sales power of...

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How Google Review Filters Work

How Google Review Filters Work

Many comparable filters seem to kick into action if any of the following is present in the content of the review: 1. Use of extreme adjectives or profanity in the review 2. Over-use of keywords in the review 3. Inclusion of links in the review Another criterion that...

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Is Your ISP Spam Filter Deleting Your Leads?

Is Your ISP Spam Filter Deleting Your Leads?

An unfortunate side effect of spam filters is they can treat website form mail as spam. This is because the email in the "From" field (which your visitor fills out so you can email them back) is not from the website in which the form is sent from (your website sends...

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